Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Young Entrepreneurs

If you Google "Entrepreneurs," the most common example that comes up is children entrepreneurs or very young adult entrepreneurs. Our society is obsessed with them. From Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, to the 8-year-old girl who invented the Makin' Bacon dish, something about someone very young who has a genius idea is something that our society simply cannot get enough of. I mean, look at "The Social Network." That movie netted Oscars and all sorts of awards because of its primary plot of a young person, who was not taken very seriously, who had an idea that changed the world.

Because of 8-year-old Abbey, I have one of these in my kitchen

Although I get a deflated sense of self-worth when I hear stories about children entrepreneurs (Why couldn't I have thought of that???) it is important to note that these kids used the same entry point to putting their idea into practice as we could. They all had ideas for something new, and found a niche of people who needed it. Sure, the idea is only half of the battle and implementation is important, but it is vital not to get put off by these kinds of stories and feel like if you didn't accomplish this by age 10, you never will.

All it takes is one idea at the right time, and the rest, they say, is history.

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